10 most famous coffee brands

The history of coffee dates back to the Early Middle Ages. It began around 850 AD. According to legend, an Ethiopian shepherd noticed that goats that were chewing on the fruits and shoots of wild coffee trees were running and jumping excitedly.

5 secret societies that govern the world

Society loves mysteries. Secret plots, conspiracies, intrigues - all of this arouses great interest in us. Where is the truth, where is the lie - who knows? But they exist, secret societies, weaving networks almost right under the noses of ordinary citizens.

What lies at the bottom of the Mariana Trench?

All the world's oceans have secrets and mysteries. But compared to the Mariana Trench, many areas of the world's oceans look like small ponds. This is the deepest place on our planet and is shrouded in mystery. Scientists are increasingly inclined to

10 interesting facts about the planet Mars

Mars is a mysterious planet that is associated with numerous legends and mysteries. There are theories that suggest that there was once a highly advanced civilization on this planet. Due to a powerful natural catastrophe, the civilization perished, but it is possible

Neanderthals. Who are they and what do we know about them

IntroductionFrom 1 to 4% of genes in modern humans are inherited from Neanderthals. Neanderthals were not direct ancestors of modern humans, but a separate subspecies of humans that lived in Europe and Central Asia for tens of thousands of years. The oldest

Interesting facts from Stalin’s life

IntroductionJoseph Stalin was an influential figure who had a significant impact on world history – even his staunchest opponents cannot deny this. "He inherited Russia with a plow and leaves it with nuclear reactors," said British historian Isaac Deutscher in an obituary