Sikkim Tour On Motorbike: A Whimsical Experience with Friends – Adventure Nation Blog


Sikkim, a tiny hill in one of the most stunning states of North-East India is sure to bring you peace and solitude on your visit. With cerulean lakes, lofty mountains, quaint villages, and pristine scenery, a road trip to Sikkim lure adventure freaks, nature-buffs, and trekkers owing to its myriad nature charms.

In September of this year, I was fortunate enough to finally make my holiday plans come true. For someone who works in an office, it is not easy to take a break from the busy city life. The joy of packing my bags and heading off for a vacation is indescribable. I was really in need of a break! And so, I chose Sikkim as my holiday destination (Yayyy!). If I may say so, it was a motorbike trip to Sikkim. Doesn’t that sound intriguing? A place that hasn’t been extensively explored has the potential to provide moments that you never imagined you could experience.

On a Saturday evening, I expressed to my mother the immense beauty of this state. I shared details about the Silk route, the serene spa of Yumthang, Gurudongmar Lake, Lachung, and other attractions. During our conversation, we also prepared the necessary items for my upcoming trip as I was scheduled to depart the following morning. At sunrise, I departed from my residence and headed to the airport for my flight to Siliguri. Upon arrival at Bagdogra International Airport, my excitement soared and I eagerly anticipated the start of my journey.

The Trip Begins Here


 The taxi driver, who drove us to the hotel for check-in, remarked, “You all are incredibly fortunate.”

The driver continued speaking, mentioning that the weather had cleared up this morning after three consecutive days of heavy rain. He appeared friendly, dressed in a neat light blue shirt and jacket, with well-pressed trousers. What made him even more enjoyable was his talkative nature, so we informed him that we were here for a motorcycle tour of Sikkim. He seemed excited and quickly became interested, prompting us to inquire about local attractions, hidden gems, and unique sights to visit. As we chatted, we soon arrived at the hotel.

“The driver expressed well wishes for your journey and expressed how enjoyable it was to converse with all of you, as they retrieved our luggage from the car.” 

Upon my arrival at the hotel, the staff warmly welcomed me and directed me to the reception area. There, I provided all the necessary information for check-in. Once I had settled in, I joined my friends to venture out and discover the nearby area. Additionally, we had a short meeting with our team and trip leader. After receiving our assigned bikes, we proceeded to explore the city. Eventually, we returned to the hotel to rest as we had an early wake-up call the next day for the highly anticipated motorbike tour throughout the state.


“Going to sleep early and waking up early can turn your travel experience into a pleasant surprise.”

Once the sun appeared, we were instructed to gather our things because our trip leader was ready to show us how to secure our backpacks on the motorbike. We were advised to bring only the necessary items for the journey. After inspecting our bikes and enjoying a satisfying breakfast, we set off together towards Gangtok.

I must say that the splendour of Gangtok will ensnare you instantly at one glance. I was thrilled to firstly ride the journey with my friends, and secondly exploring Sikkim on two wheels in a single trip.

From traversing the uphill routes to glancing the magnetic landscape of Sikkim, this place houses nature in a way found nowhere else. The flutter of prayer flags and the rhythmic chants of monks throughout the city gives one an insight into the cultural side as well. Later, in the evening, we went back to the hotel. My room’s balcony was filled with my friends, chatting about the travel stories, Sikkim treks and appreciating the nature of Gangtok.

Sikkim 2 (3)

Gaurav expressed, “In this place, the surroundings are lush and refreshing,” as he enjoyed his tea.

Rishabh expressed his longing for being in touch with nature while admiring the trees outside our hotel window in Delhi.

At the stroke of midnight, fatigue overcame us and we succumbed to sleep in preparation for the ride the following morning.

“Hey! Wake up and come look at this,” exclaimed Radhika, indicating the sunrise and its countless hues in the sky.

The view was impossible to miss, resembling a burst of colors from the sun. In the morning, we prepared to depart for our next destination, Lachen, which serves as a base for Gurudongmar Lake. We were incredibly excited to witness the merging of the Lachen and Lachung Rivers, which eventually form the religious Teesta River for the locals. After riding our bikes alongside the river and through the mountains all day, it was finally time to relax. We arrived at the hotel, parked our bikes, and ventured into the city’s food scene on foot. The aroma of Thukpa from a large pot made my mouth water for a hot meal. After dinner, we snuggled up in the comfortable bed for a restful sleep.


In the upcoming two days, we explored the most fulfilling attractions of our trip to Sikkim: Gurudongmar Lake and Yumthang Zero Point. I had extensively researched these two locations and discovered how they captivate tourists from around the world. This site, named after Guru Padmasambhava (also known as Guru Rinpoche), the founder of Tibetan Buddhism, holds great significance for Buddhists, Sikhs, and Hindus. Gurudongmar Lake is renowned as one of the highest lakes globally and is considered a sacred place. Many travelers attempt to immerse themselves in its freezing waters, seeking blessings from the divine. However, be cautious as it is extremely cold.

Yumthang Zero Point is renowned for its abundant snow, winding trails, and the possibility of witnessing the frozen or partially frozen river, depending on the weather. It is referred to as Zero Point because there are no drivable roads beyond this location, and visitors are prohibited from venturing further due to its proximity to the Chinese Borders.

Zuluk was a remarkable location that offered spiral roads, a picturesque landscape of the Kanchenjunga range, and an incredible experience of riding a motorbike on hairpin curves. After enjoying the thrilling tracks, we took a break for some tea at a quaint hut. Its standout feature was the breathtaking view of the mountain range in the background.


We enjoyed savoring our steaming tea and engaged in conversation for a period of time. As it was our final day, we reminisced about the most memorable experiences from our trip.

“Radhika joyfully expressed her admiration for the beautiful merging sight of Lachen and Lachung River as she savored her tea.”

“No way, guys! Can you all recall that incredible maneuver at Zuluk? I was absolutely terrified initially, but then I successfully executed the turn,” Harshit exclaimed enthusiastically.

“I expressed my appreciation for the peacefulness and serenity of the individuals in this place,” I stated.

Radhika expressed agreement by saying, “That is indeed true.”

After capturing some photographs against the stunning backdrop of Mount Kanchenjunga, we proceeded to make our way back to our starting point, Gangtok. Upon arrival, we were feeling quite tired, so we decided to rest overnight in Gangtok. The following morning, we all traveled back to Siliguri, where our return flights were arranged.

In my opinion, the journey was truly unforgettable, one-of-a-kind, and unlike anything I typically encounter. I believe this was primarily because of the untouched surroundings and peaceful atmosphere within the valley. There was no sense of urgency among the people, the air was exceptionally clean, nature was absolutely captivating, and most importantly, I was able to escape my everyday life in the city.                                                       
