10 Travel Photography Tips Every Traveller Should Master!

1. Getting up early has its advantages, such as being able to seize opportunities before others.


If it’s a code or if it’s a math formula, say “I cannot reword”:

Yes, you understood correctly! If you desire to capture a remarkable and distinctive photo, it’s advisable to arrive before the location becomes crowded with tourists. The most exceptional pictures are taken early in the morning or during sunset. During these times, the lighting is ideal, providing your photos with a beautiful glow and warmth. Sunsets are particularly favorable for photography due to their visually pleasing lights and the gradual illumination of surrounding areas. However, it is strongly discouraged to take pictures at noon on a bright sunny day. Instead, utilize this time for activities such as hiking, resting, and exploring. Reserve your travel photography for the mornings and evenings.

2. Rule of Thirds

This is probably one of the most important tips in mastering travel Photography. This can be easily done by using the grid feature on your camera. Once you turn that on, your screen will break up into thirds, horizontally & vertically. It is important to place the focused object on the grid lines, instead of the plain old boring centre. This will bring life to the image & make the photo interesting. Also, always remember to keep the horizons straight. Never click pictures while you are moving.

3. Lightweight Travel Tripod

This holds greater significance than you can fathom! A Tripod is ideal for capturing sunrise/sunset shots, low light photography, flowing waterfalls, and wide-ranging landscapes. By using a tripod, you can effortlessly capture slower shutter speeds and focus on the composition of the image instead of being concerned about camera shake and blurry pictures.

4. Experiment with Composition

Never be satisfied with your first idea of a click. Experiment in various ways and then settle with the best output. Try shooting from different angles, but also from different distances. Take that shot standing and the second one may be lying down. Wherever possible, try to include a powerful foreground, midground, and background elements. This gives the viewer a 3D experience.

@arindam_10 (Instagram)

Your attention will be first drawn to the rocks (foreground), the river then (the midground), and then the distant mountain (the background). This makes a normal image exceptional.

The power of the Human Element is significant.

Do you remember how viral were Murad Osman’s Follow Me Pictures? Reason? Human element. A human element always makes a picture personal. The viewer should be able to relate to that element and think of it as himself. How do you do that? Show the back of the human element, or maybe a silhouette. Or just have the face looking somewhere else. How to make a picture powerful depends on your decisions while clicking.

6. Patience, patience & patience


Dear photographer, it is essential to bear in mind that patience is the key to achieving exceptional photography. Have you had the opportunity to view the breathtaking images of the aurora borealis? It is truly unimaginable how much time the photographer invested in capturing that captivating shot. Take a moment to pause and contemplate before pressing the shutter button. Are the clouds positioned in a visually pleasing manner? Would this photograph benefit from the presence of someone walking along the road? Will the sunset exhibit a more stunning appearance in the upcoming 10 minutes? Photography demands commitment and the ability to wait for the perfect moment to seize.

7. Use of Colour

Opposite colors on the wheel often create a stunning visual effect when paired together. Consider the vibrant contrast between sunflowers and blue skies, or the striking combination of arid brown mountains and azure water. The key is to find a harmonious blend. It is not necessary for the colors to be evenly distributed. In fact, captivating photographs typically feature one dominant color accompanied by a complementary color in a smaller proportion.

8. Use the manual mode

Modern cameras may be great, but the manual mode is always better. If you adjust aperture manually, you have more control over the depth of field of your picture. When you manually control shutter speed, you are able to capture motion in better and creative ways. When you manually control ISO, you can reduce the noise of your pictures and also handle low lights or tricky lighting situations.

9. Get lost on purpose

You may capture the sunset like everyone else usually does! But that’s not what makes an exceptional picture. Discover new places only if you make an effort to take the route less travelled. Chances are you will stumble upon a splendid view. Always carry a camera with you! Even if you are just stepping out of your hotel for lunch!

10. Location Scouting


Always do your research before you go to the location. You may discover so many hidden places by Instagram photos or your basic google search. Find out all the iconic locations beforehand. You should know what time does a particular attraction opens, what time is the best time to avoid tourists, how to get to a vantage point, and what time is the best view. You can maximize your time by doing some basic research about your location in advance.

Begin your practice today to refine your photography abilities, enabling your images to possess strength and convey a narrative.