
His and Her Circumstances: An Enchanting Love Story that Ultimately Falls Short

His and Her Circumstances, also known as Kare Kano, is a beloved 1998 anime series created by the renowned studio Gainax. This romantic anime is a follow-up to Gainax’s famous work, Neon Genesis Evangelion.

The story revolves around Yukino Miyazawa, a high-achieving student who strives to be the best at everything she does. However, her world is turned upside down when she meets her new classmate, Soichiro Arima, who seems to surpass her in every way. As they compete with each other, their rivalry slowly transforms into a deepening love.

Although His and Her Circumstances is not related to Neon Genesis Evangelion, it is still a must-watch for fans of romance anime and the works of Hideaki Anno. The characters are relatable, the animation quality is top-notch, and despite its disappointing ending, the show maintains a charming appeal that keeps viewers engaged until the end.

Gainax Adapts a Manga

a penciled drawing of Yukino and Soichiro

The series is an adaptation of a shoujo romantic manga and showcases Gainax’s creativity through various animation techniques. These techniques include montages cut with the original manga, live-action backgrounds, paper cutouts on sticks, and the use of gekimation.

One notable aspect of the show is its casting of many first-time voice actors for the Japanese language version. This decision was made to align with Hideaki Anno’s vision for the production and break away from the industry’s established voice actors at the time.

The Story of His and Her Circumstances

Yukino glancing at Soichiro

The story of His and Her Circumstances revolves around Yukino Miyazawa’s dual identity. At school, she portrays herself as the ideal and perfect student, craving admiration and affection from her peers. However, at home, she reveals her true lazy and immature self to her family. This duality becomes a source of weakness for her as she fears being exposed by her classmates.

When Soichiro Arima enters her life, Yukino’s world undergoes a significant change. Soichiro challenges her for the position of the top student and possesses qualities that earn him admiration from his classmates. As Yukino and Soichiro spend more time together, their relationship deepens, leading them to question their motives and embark on a journey of self-discovery.


Yukino and her friends

The characters in His and Her Circumstances are likable and relatable. The supporting cast adds depth to the story, contrasting with the introverted and aloof personas of the main characters. As Yukino and Soichiro come out of their shells, their friends and family guide them through their newfound social lives, adding complexity to their growth.

The Charm of Kare Kano

Yukino and Soichiro looking romantic

The charm of the show lies in its likable characters and their relationships with friends and family. Beyond the central romance between Yukino and Soichiro, viewers also get to enjoy heartwarming family dynamics with Yukino’s doting father, loving mother, and meddling sisters who know her true personality.

Disappointment in his and her circumstances

yukino crying

His and Her Circumstances also tackles dark themes such as bullying and abuse, showcasing the characters’ resilience and dignity in the face of adversity. The animation quality is exceptional, as expected from Gainax, with watercolor backgrounds that enhance the storybook feel and capture the warm analog aesthetics of 90s anime.

However, the show faced several challenges during its production. A creative dispute between the manga author and Hideaki Anno led to a shift in emphasis from romance to comedy. Budgetary constraints resulted in the use of manga still frames, paper cutouts on sticks, and multiple recap episodes. The series ends abruptly without resolving its storyline, leaving viewers with a sense of disappointment.

Despite its flaws, His and Her Circumstances remains a masterful exploration of love, loss, and growing up. It humorously portrays the trials and tribulations of adolescence while leaving viewers longing for what could have been. For fans of 90s romance anime, it is still a worthwhile recommendation.


  1. This article discusses the anime series “His and Her Circumstances” and describes it as an enchanting love story that ultimately falls short.

  2. This article discusses the anime series “His and Her Circumstances” and describes it as an enchanting love story that ultimately falls short.

  3. This article discusses the anime series “His and Her Circumstances” and describes it as a charming romance that ultimately falls short.

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