15 Tips and Tricks to Reach Everest Base Camp – Adventure Nation Blog


Reaching the summit of Mount Everest is a challenging feat that every adventurous hiker dreams of achieving. As the tallest mountain on Earth, it sparks curiosity about the view from its remarkable peak. However, conquering this task requires immense mental and physical strength. On the other hand, trekking to Mt. Everest’s Base Camp is a feasible adventure in its own right, although it still demands effort to reach an impressive altitude of 17,600 ft. To enhance your preparation for the climb, here are some suggestions that will help you reach the foothills of the world’s highest mountain.

Purchase your equipment in Kathmandu.


Trekking poles, gloves, socks, hats etc., all these gears come at rock-bottom prices when bought locally from Kathmandu. The market is a one-stop-destination for every mountaineer who comes to Nepal to trekking up to the Everest Base Camp(EBC). If by chance you need something or have forgotten it, the market in Kathmandu has it all.

Please bring along candies, fast snacks, and protein bars.

When hiking in the mountains, you expend a significant amount of energy due to daily walks lasting approximately 6-7 hours. Therefore, protein bars and chocolates can provide an immediate boost of energy to replenish your body. Although these convenient snacks are also sold during the trek, purchasing them each time you experience hunger can be quite costly.

3) Pack Tang

To prevent altitude sickness, it is important to stay hydrated by consuming a minimum of 2 liters of water daily. However, drinking plain water can become monotonous over time. Adding Tang to your water can make it more enjoyable to drink without compromising taste or becoming dull.

4) Get purification tablets

Save money and protect the planet by opting for water purification tablets or portable SteriPens. Easily refill your bottle from any source and enhance the water’s quality with purification tablets. SteriPens are also highly effective, utilizing ultraviolet light to cleanse water within a mere 30 seconds.

5) Pack a book


Trekking to EBC takes a lot of time and sometimes it gets pretty boring when you are relaxing at the campsite. You can indulge in some good read to pass time and trust you will love reading midst the high mountains. Tip: You can buy books at Namche Bazar or Kathmandu as well.

6) Get handi-wipes

You will not be able to shower for approximately 15-20 days due to the challenging conditions of -10 degrees Celsius, which makes bathing quite difficult. Instead, wet-wipes can be used to combat any unpleasant body odor. It is advisable to bring sanitizers as well, as you will be trekking on uneven paths and it is important to keep your hands clean. Please remember to dispose of used wipes properly by carrying a portable dustbin, in order to maintain the cleanliness and greenery of the Himalayas.

Always give way to Yaks and Sherpas.

When trekking, if you encounter yaks or Sherpas approaching, step aside and allow them to pass. It is important to avoid being thrown off a cliff. Additionally, the Sherpas and porters put in significant effort to provide food and supplies to each base camp. Contribute by assisting them in clearing the path and removing obstacles, as they carry heavy loads on their backs.

8) Keep batteries close to your body

When trekking, it is advisable to keep the batteries near your body. Store them in an inner pocket or a secure location, as batteries tend to deplete faster at higher altitudes. It is important to avoid returning without any pictures. While it is possible to recharge batteries at certain stopping points, be prepared to pay a significant amount (approximately Rs 350) per hour for this service. Additionally, remember to place your batteries inside your sleeping bag as temperatures drop rapidly during the night. To ensure your safety, consider carrying spare batteries.

9) The most magnificent sights are seen in the early morning.

Spend a day or two in Namche Bazar; acclimatize while having fun exploring really popular tourist spots!

Attempt to rise early in the morning in order to witness the magnificent sights of the towering mountains. However, as noon approaches, the presence of clouds may hinder your visibility. There are only a few spots where you can catch a glimpse of Mt. Everest, with Namche Bazaar and Tengboche offering the most spectacular views of this majestic peak. Capture photographs to create lasting memories.

There is no need to rush, please take your time.


Adjust to the high altitude, allow for an additional day if necessary, proceed at a leisurely pace, and stay hydrated. No one will inquire about the duration it took to reach EBC. Instead, they will be delighted and astonished that you successfully made it to the base. Walk at a comfortable speed, savor every moment, as this expedition will undoubtedly be the most exceptional one.

Ensure you have a well-stocked first-aid kit


We strongly advise our trekkers to bring their own personal first-aid kit, including any necessary medications, as there is no assurance that the appropriate medicine will be available in case of an emergency. It is important to have pain relievers, lip balm, and sunscreen. Diamox is a crucial medication for preventing altitude sickness. While some individuals take it prior to the trek, we do not recommend doing so unless advised by the trek leader or on-site doctor.

Ensure efficient packing with reduced weight.

Keep it light!
Keep it light!

It is important for you to efficiently pack items that weigh less. Only include necessary items for the trek. Prior to the trek, try packing multiple times to ensure that the weight does not exceed 15 kg. Ideally, aim to pack around 10 kg as you will be responsible for carrying it to the base camp. Porters are available to carry your other belongings. Suggestions: You can climb stairs a few times with your backpack weighing 10-15 kg to help your body adjust to the weight.

13) Helpful advice for females

Ladies, it is important to secure your hair while trekking to avoid any inconvenience. Since you will be walking in dirt and won’t have the opportunity to wash up, leaving your hair loose may result in tangled locks that may require cutting. Therefore, it is advisable to either braid, tie it in a ponytail, or put it in a bun – whichever style you find most comfortable. The same advice applies to men with long hair.

Another tip for Women – please carry period pain tablets, and make sure you carry biodegradable pads or tampons if you are not comfortable using menstrual cups. At high-altitudes, you may get periods prior to your date. Also, make sure you discard the used pads in dustbin, if not, the biodegradable pads are preferable due to unavailability of dustbin at some locations.

14) Best views of Everest on the flight to Lukla


Ensure that you reserve your seat either in the front or rear of the aircraft on the left side in order to enjoy breathtaking sights of the tallest mountain on Earth. You will catch a glimpse of Mount Everest even before embarking on your trek, and the views from the plane will energize you for the upcoming thrilling experience.

15) Relish each moment


You are among the fortunate individuals in the world who have the opportunity to witness and savor this unique experience. Cherish each moment and value every opportunity that comes your way. While you may face challenges and fatigue, the breathtaking sights at Everest Base Camp make every ounce of your hard work worthwhile.
