How to Prepare for Ladakh Bike Trip – Adventure Nation Blog


When it comes to traveling by car, Leh-Ladakh, also known as the ‘Land of High Passes’, is the ultimate destination! Stretching from the Kunlun mountain range to the Great Himalayas in the south, this mystical region offers breathtaking landscapes as far as the eye can see. The feeling of riding to Ladakh, regardless of your gender, is so pure that only bike and mountain enthusiasts can truly understand it. It is often said that road trips are the best kind of vacation, and Ladakh is the epitome of road trips. A 13-day bike tour to the enchanting ‘little Tibet’, where you can escape the modern world, ride without traffic rules, and avoid large crowds, is the perfect getaway you’ve been looking for.


Nature beautifully showcases its magnificence in Ladakh, and it is the only place on Earth that has rivers, mountains, lakes, deserts, and snow, all in one region. So to make your trip hassle-free, we thought to give you a guide for Leh Ladakh Bike Trip preparation prior to your journey.

The first and foremost thing to understand about Ladakh is its magnetizing landscape that lures people from all around the globe. The dynamic landscape comprises of snow-filled mountains, drooling sunsets, barren roads hugging high mountains and the most rewarding route for the ride to Khardungla Pass, the Pangong Lake and the Nubra Valley. So to ride in such a territory, one needs to be loaded with some essential tips and tricks.

Temperature Check

Make sure to check the temperature and weather conditions of the Ladakh Bike Trip destination before you go. The place can be very hot during the day and extremely cold at night. The temperature changes dramatically, so to have an unforgettable experience, be sure to pack warm clothing and avoid freezing. Dress in layers so that you can easily adjust your clothing as needed.


To prevent additional charges, make sure to plan your vacations ahead of time.

Plan your holidays in advance to avoid higher prices for hotels, holiday packages, and other expenses. Booking later will result in higher costs, especially for popular packages like the bike tour to Ladakh in May, June, July, and August. Take advantage of early bird offers to secure cheaper and more affordable bookings. Stay connected with us through our social media pages for exclusive deals and offers.

Safety Gears – For your own betterment

Bike tour ladakh

It is crucial that you wear all the necessary equipment for riding, as the roads are empty and rough, and the wind is strong, making it challenging for the rider to navigate the surroundings without proper gear. Whether it’s knee pads, a helmet, or gloves, ensure that you are appropriately dressed. The journey and terrain are both lengthy and demanding.

Get Your Route Mapped

It is important to familiarize yourself with the route prior to your journey, as it will be quite long and not everyone in the group can travel together. Therefore, for safety purposes, if anyone gets separated, they can consult the map to determine the route the group is taking.

Recheck your Motorbike

Please make sure to thoroughly inspect your motorbike before departing and continue to check it periodically during your journey. This is essential to ensure that your vehicle is in good condition in case any problems arise. If you intend to use your own motorbike, it is crucial to assess its overall health. Ensure that it has been serviced and consider carrying basic spare parts in case of any unforeseen issues.

Strengthen Your Medication Skills

Ensure that you have an ample supply of medications with you, as it is impossible to predict the difficulties you may encounter. Many individuals experience AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness), which manifests through symptoms such as headaches, nausea, eye irritation, or fever. To alleviate these symptoms, it is crucial to stay hydrated by consuming a significant amount of water. Therefore, it is advisable to always have a bottle of water readily available.

Feel the rage of the winds in Ladakh
Feel the rage of the winds in Ladakh

Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!

Before embarking on the extensive motorbike journey, it is important to engage in physical activity. Due to lower oxygen levels at higher altitudes, it is necessary to perform breathing exercises. Additionally, cycling and swimming can enhance your endurance. Prolonged periods of sitting on the motorbike can decrease your flexibility, so it is crucial to stretch your muscles beforehand.

Avoid consuming alcohol and engaging in smoking.

If water intake is reduced at higher altitudes, individuals are more prone to dehydration. Additionally, consuming alcohol and smoking can further exacerbate internal dehydration. Given the already decreased oxygen levels, indulging in these activities can result in symptoms of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS).

Are you interested in making a reservation? Absolutely! However, when would you like to book?

ladakh bike

The recommended period for a Ladakh bike tour is between mid-May and October. The roads become accessible in mid-May when traveling from Srinagar, while the Manali route opens later in May. Optimal times for a bike tour are during the autumn and summer seasons, otherwise, you may need to consider taking a flight.

“Be happy! Whenever possible”

Smile at strangers as it won’t cost you a dime. Travelling is not just about exploring, it is also about connecting. The locals, truck drivers, helpers, cooks, smile at them, you never know, you might make someone happy with your gesture. When things go wrong, these people will come forward to rescue you asap.

Refuel to maintain the combustion of your oil.

Make sure to always have a full tank of fuel for your bike, as there are fewer petrol stations along this route. Therefore, before you start riding, ensure that your fuel tank is consistently filled.

What items do you need to bring with you?

Since Ladakh Bike tour is an ultimate adventure of all time, a road-trip to this land should be well-prepared. Whether it’s your bike, clothes, or other essentials, these few things will make sure you have the best time in the mother of all road-trips, Ladakh.

  1. Full Face Helmet with clear Visor: Get a good quality full face helmet for the ride to protect you from the cold winds while riding.
  1. Riding Gloves: Gloves is necessary for the ride, as after a while you might feel cold, and if not it gives a good grip and protect your hands in case you fall down.
  1. If you find wearing a riding jacket and riding pants uncomfortable, at the very least, you should consider wearing elbow and knee guards.
  2. Please wear appropriate footwear for riding, such as riding shoes. If you don’t have them, gumboots with thermal socks will suffice.
  1. Sunscreen Lotion: UV rays at high altitude keeps getting harsh which is quite damaging to the skin. Carry a plus SPF 30, as you don’t want a bad tan.
  1. Drinking 4-5 liters of water is essential when at high altitude to prevent dehydration. Failure to do so may lead to the development of symptoms associated with AMS (Altitude Mountain Sickness), such as nausea, vomiting, headache, and eye irritation. Therefore, it is important to ensure your body remains adequately hydrated at all times.
  1. Clothing: Always dress like an onion (dress in layers) at high-altitude, it is better than a thick woollen. Carry at least 2-3 spare shirts, with 1 pair of riding pants, and 1 pair of jeans.
  1. Carry a hat to shield yourself from the strong winds during your ride. This will provide protection for your forehead, ears, and even your neck.
  1. Driving license: This goes without saying, carry your DL at all times as it required to show at certain checkpoints.

Many people have always dreamed of speed, but only a few can actually experience it in real life. This trip offers a unique experience with clear blue waters, peaceful lakes, and a beautiful landscape. So, don’t just keep this adventure as a dream, be prepared to recreate the thrilling experience that will stay with you even when the memories start to fade.
