Winter Trek: How to prepare yourself for the icy walk? – Adventure Nation Blog


This year, the winter season in the northern part of India has been unusually intense. Whether it is Delhi-NCR or the mountain villages, the ruler of winter is bringing forth strong and chilly winds. However, this does not deter us from embarking on winter treks in India. With careful preparation and appropriate attire, we are determined to ensure that your winter trek is an extraordinary experience.

Aristotle once stated that in order to truly admire the beauty of a snowflake, one must be willing to endure the cold. This is indeed true! However, it is important to overcome the mindset that it is too cold to venture outside of the cozy blanket. With the right warm clothing, even the harshest winter can be tolerable, especially if you are embarking on a snow trek. During such treks, it is essential to dress in layers, wear comfortable hiking boots, and carry a lightweight backpack.

Most of the winter treks in India happen during January and February in either Himachal Pradesh or Uttarakhand. Both of these states are chock-full of places to explore and experience winter in its best form. These two states also go through minimum temperatures that can be as low as -1 to -5 degree Celsius, hence it is important for anyone to prepare themselves before heading out for the amazing yet daunting snow trek.

Prepare Beforehand


Preparation is the ultimate way to get ready for a trek, especially a winter one. This season gloats of myriad challenges such as cold weather and short daylight hours, which is not faced during the summer months. So it’s important to plan ahead of time, to be able to face any circumstances.

  • Conduct extensive research on the treks available. Select a trek that aligns with your physical capabilities. If not, make sure to plan ahead 2-3 months in advance to allow sufficient time for preparing your fitness level for the exciting adventure. Dedicate time each day, either by exercising at a gym or engaging in 30-60 minute workout sessions, until your departure date. It is important to note that trekking during winter months presents additional challenges, such as enduring cold winds, long distances, slippery paths, and carrying a heavier backpack that can cause a significant loss of energy. Put in the effort and enjoy the rewards!
  • Please familiarize yourself with your travel plan ahead of time. Request a comprehensive itinerary, essential trekking items, and additional details from your travel operator, including your location, duration of stay, return date, and how to contact them. It is important to stay informed about all necessary information for your trip.
  • Novice trekkers, please do not try winter trekking alone. There’s a lot of technicalities that one needs to adhere to. Always experience these kinds of treks with a legitimate guide or with a high-altitude experienced trekker. If you go alone, any casualty can occur. You might slip from a boulder, AMS can hit you, or you might simply get an injury. Having said that, the knowledge of a guide will give you peace of mind while trekking.
  • Be ready for the unforeseen. It is advisable to have a reserve for emergencies, such as additional money, a first-aid kit, surplus food, and spare clothing. We are not suggesting that you overburden your bag and make it cumbersome. Our intention is simply to emphasize the importance of having duplicates of essential items. Consider the possibility of losing your socks or getting your jacket soaked. Having extras can be incredibly beneficial!
  • Dehydration is a frequent occurrence during winter treks. If you are someone who tends to consume less water, there is a risk of becoming dehydrated while trekking. Therefore, to prevent dehydration from becoming a possibility, it is important to drink small amounts of water every 15-20 minutes while trekking. The initial signs of dehydration, like sweating, may be difficult to identify initially due to the cold climate and layered clothing. Hence, it is advisable to adhere to the practice of sipping water regularly.
  • Finally, but certainly not least, food serves as the primary fuel for winter treks. Don’t hesitate to consume sufficient amounts of food, as traversing the steep and challenging paths of the mountains can deplete your energy and calories. To sustain your momentum, you can bring along protein bars, dried fruits, ready-to-eat hot meals, and snacks that offer immediate energy.

Winter clothes Layering Techniques


Layers! Layers! Layers! When it comes to preparation on what to wear and pack for a winter trek, it’s important to note, layering is the basic funda to select clothes for the base, middle and outer layer. Hence, taking the time to research will benefit you in the long run. With just the right clothes your body will thank you for keeping it warm and not freezing.

  • Begin with your initial layer, which is in direct contact with your skin. The most suitable materials for this layer are synthetic fabrics or merino wool, as they effectively serve as a base. These materials efficiently draw away perspiration from your skin, ensuring that your body remains dry. In colder conditions, it is advisable to wear two base layers to enhance warmth. Avoid using cotton for this purpose, as it tends to retain moisture and takes a longer time to dry.
  • For your middle layer, it’s time to add an insulated material. This layer is meant to protect you from cold. You can research well on this. However, we recommend a fleece jacket or goose down jacket works best for middle layer as it is warm and retains heat.
  • For your outer layer, make sure you have something breathable, windproof, waterproof. You will keep adjusting and shredding this layer as you walk from different terrains and climatic zones. The temperature fluctuates a lot during the winters. Make sure you are loaded with all the needed layers.
  • Socks are another important piece of cloth you must-have for winter trekking. It’s best to wear a thin pair of socks under a bulky pair of merino wool or synthetic socks. It will keep your feet dry and warm. Don’t forget to carry an extra pair of socks in case one gets wet. Strictly no cotton!
  • Wearing appropriate footwear is highly crucial when going on a trek. It is recommended to invest in winter hiking or mountaineering boots as they offer superior insulation and waterproofing compared to regular hiking boots. Additionally, you may consider purchasing gaiters and crampons for added convenience.

In addition to everything mentioned, it is essential to bring along gloves, sunscreen, lip balm, hats, sunglasses, and other items. You can find a comprehensive clothing guide here.

Sar Pass

Insights on Hypothermia

When discussing winter planning, it is important to also be aware of Hypothermia. Unlike heatstroke, hypothermia prevents the body from generating enough heat to maintain a safe core temperature. This is a dangerous condition that requires immediate attention. It can occur in high-altitude areas such as mountain hiking or in extremely cold water (submerged). If you are not dressed appropriately to keep your body warm, hypothermia can pose a life-threatening risk.

Please monitor for signs such as trembling, lack of interest or motivation, pale and cold skin, impaired decision-making, instability, difficulty speaking clearly, and numbness in the hands or feet. More severe symptoms may include rigidity, slow heartbeat, shallow respiration, drowsiness, weakness, and loss of consciousness.

Hypothermia Treatment 
The first aid is to restore core body temperature. Immediately warm the victim body core in a dry place, preferably indoors. Use warm blankets, hot water bottles, body warmth to warm them up. Don’t stay outdoors, go into a tent or building.

Preparing for a winter hike is simpler than you may imagine. By staying organized and following these fundamental suggestions, we assure you that you will stay warm and truly relish the winter season.
