7 Principles to Follow for Environment-friendly Adventure – Adventure Nation Blog

Neha Raheja

Neha has a passion for discovering unconventional locations and is a dedicated bookworm. When she’s not engrossed in a book, she can be found singing while cooking, daydreaming about food, or enjoying quality time with her delightful 7-month-old daughter.

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We all want to be able to enjoy the pristine beauty of the wilderness around in the world throughout our lifetimes and also for generations to come. Each of us plays a vital role in protecting the beauty. As we travel, it’s important for all of us to be conscious of the impact we have on the environment.

On my recent trek to Triund, Mcleodganj, I ascended carrying a weighty backpack filled with food supplies. However, as I descended, my bag became significantly lighter. While some of the items were consumed, the remaining contents were scattered throughout the surroundings. It was at this moment that I came to the realization that I had been approaching this situation incorrectly.

At that particular moment, I failed to consider the consequences of my actions on the environment, although I had no intention of causing harm to the natural surroundings.

Upon further reflection, I came to the realization that it is crucial for all individuals who enjoy outdoor activities to reduce the negative effects of their visits. Preserving the natural state of the wilderness is of utmost importance.

By following the seven principles of the ‘Leave No Trace’ Policy, future generations will be able to experience and appreciate the unspoiled wilderness.

leave no trace

Plan Ahead and Prepare

What- Research weather conditions, trail diversions, alternate routes, campsite locations, local territory guidelines/rules/regulations/bans before your hike.

The level of preparedness directly affects the extent to which unplanned decisions made in the wilderness will affect you.

How- Check weather beforehand, read about the trail route in advance, carry a map, and check local regulations. Set appropriate goals, plan your meals in advance, and repackage your food.

Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces


What – It is important to hike on hard surfaces and established trails. It includes dry grass, rocks, gravel and snow.

Soft surfaces are not durable enough to handle impact, and it takes a significant amount of time for vegetation to recover after being impacted.

Please do not stray from designated trails and campsites. Utilize designated campsites and arrive well before sunset to properly and safely set up your camp. Ensure that your camp is at least 100 meters away from any water source to prevent damage to plants, disturbance to animals, or obstruction of their access to water.

Please ensure that waste is properly disposed of.


Please ensure to properly dispose of your garbage by taking it back with you when leaving.

Why – Animals may end up eating up garbage causing them to be sick. Also, garbage, poop and soap can pollute water, making it unsafe to drink for humans or killing animals, plants and fish. Plus garbage and poop on the trails looks quite displeasing!

Please remove all packaging from your food before traveling. Collect all fruit and vegetable peels in a sealed bag and bring them back with you. If these peels are left in the soil, it can take months or even years for them to decompose. Avoid washing food residue from your utensils in streams or bodies of water. Refrain from burning food or trash. When it comes to human waste, dig a hole that is 6-8 inches deep and cover it with the soil you removed. Never dispose of human waste in water sources. Make an effort to keep water sources as clean as possible.

Leave What You Find


What -Admire what you like, don’t get it back home with you. You don’t need souvenirs.

Why – All outdoor enthusiasts deserve to witness immaculate trails as much as you do.

How- Do not get back that beautiful rock or feather you saw on the way. It is meant to stay where you found it, not in your bag pack.

Minimize Campfire Impacts


What- Use lightweight stoves to cook instead of building a campfire. A campfire can affect the environment in more ways than you can imagine.

Why – Campfires can have immense negative effects on the soil.How – Carry a backpack stove for cooking and use candles for light. If necessary, build small fires on an existing fir pit to reduce damage to an area. Also, check fire regulations in the area. Use dead wood instead of plucking it from trees. Light out the campfire completely & carefully at the end to avoid any fire spreads. Aside from this, the after-effects of a campfire is displeasing as we end up with ash, burned logs, and rocks covered in soot.

Respect Wildlife


What – Wild is home to animals and birds. Let them enjoy their space and do not invade their privacy.

Why – Animals may get scared from human interaction and may also attack if they feel provoked or unsafe.

How- Observe animals from a distance. Keep the noise levels to a minimum. Avoid loud music. Do not feed wild animals. Keep your food locked away and stored safely. Avoid interacting or disturbing with animals during their mating sessions.

Please show consideration for other individuals visiting the premises.


Please ensure that you leave trails and campsites in a cleaner condition than when you arrived.

Why – Every traveler deserves to experience wilderness in their natural form.

Please refrain from littering, refrain from plucking any beautiful flowers you come across, avoid carving your name into trees, resist the temptation to take home any fascinating feathers, and remember to take your beer bottles with you. Additionally, it is important to respect the privacy of others and yield to uphill travelers. Please speak softly and be a polite and friendly traveler.

These simple tips will allow nature to be natural and untouched, for everyone to experience it the way we would ourselves want to. With minimal efforts, we all can ensure that wilderness remains pristine for generations to come.
