A Guide on Wilderness Survival – Adventure Nation Blog

Rency Thomas

Rency Thomas

Rency likes to call himself an outdoor leader, survival instructor and an adventurer. He is a Himalayan admirer and an avid trekker, who likes to hike mountains and take part in thrilling activities in his free time.

Rency Thomas

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“I cannot reword.”

When embarking on our most daring expeditions in the great outdoors, it is important to acknowledge the inherent level of risk involved. These risks can potentially lead to extreme emergencies. However, this is precisely what makes an adventure so thrilling, isn’t it? By adequately preparing ourselves mentally, physically, and equipping ourselves with sufficient knowledge, we can effectively manage and overcome these unexpected situations.

In this article, I will discuss some fundamental knowledge that is essential to know in case of an emergency. Nowadays, exploring the outdoors and engaging in adventurous activities has become a popular lifestyle choice for many individuals in this region. Embracing nature and seeking adventure is a beneficial habit that can be cultivated. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that there have been numerous reports of accidents and incidents that could have been prevented with proper readiness.

Must Read: 7 Principles to Follow for Environment-friendly Adventure


Let’s explore some suggestions for managing unexpected situations!

In case you get into a tricky situation while you were exploring the great outdoors, the first thing you got to do is S.T.O.P

S Stop wherever you are or whatever you are doing. If safe enough best is to Sit and take a deep breath

T TConsider the events that transpired, your origins, your actions at the time, your intended destination or path, and any significant guidance provided by the mentor that may prove valuable in this current situation. Possessing a sound mind and optimistic mindset is crucial for thriving as a survivor.

O OObserve the environment around you, be vigilant for any potential threats or hazards, and keep an eye out for anything beneficial or useful. Pay close attention to your own injuries and assess any items or resources you have that may be of assistance.

P PDevelop a practical plan for ensuring survival in the absence of immediate assistance. The plan should be straightforward and successful, designed to avoid excessive physical strain.

After S.T.O.P., Time To Execute The Plan

A normal human in an outdoor setting can generally survive for

03 Minutes without Air

03 Hours without Shelter

03 Days without Water

30 Days without Food

After the STOP, it is important to promptly begin taking action while prioritizing the aforementioned points. Assuming there is an abundance of air and you can breathe comfortably, let us shift our attention to the immediate needs. Leaving some form of markers along your path is a beneficial habit as it aids in the search and rescue process, enabling them to locate you more quickly and effectively.

Must Read: Lessons of Survival from a Storm on Mount Everest



Shelter is designed to shield you from the harsh forces of nature and potential hazards. These may encompass, but are not restricted to, the sun, heat, cold, rain, snow, wild animals, insects, and more. Excessive exposure to intense sunlight and high temperatures can cause heat strokes and extreme dehydration, just as exposure to very low temperatures accompanied by wind, rain, or snow can quickly result in severe hypothermia.

The initial component of the shelter is your attire or what you are currently wearing. Do you possess a suitable hat to shield yourself from direct sunlight? Are you adequately layered to protect against cold and wind? Do you have sturdy shoes to safeguard your feet on uneven ground? Once you have ensured your clothing is appropriate, it is time to locate a suitable spot to camp or spend the night. If the area is excessively sunny and lacks cover, it is crucial to promptly find shade. An ideal campsite would have convenient access to water and be free from potential hazards such as landslides, flash floods, avalanches, or wildlife. Additionally, it should be easily identifiable and reachable by search and rescue teams. While finding the perfect campsite may not always be feasible in a survival situation, striving for the best possible option significantly enhances your chances of survival.

Fire-Fire has many uses, it can act as a shelter, protection from wildlife and it can also help you in cooking food or purifying water by boiling it. It also gives you warmth in cold conditions and helps you in drying your wet clothing or shoes. Fire is an integral part of survival, the smoke from the fire can also be used to signal the search and rescue. You can make fire using the fire pack in your emergency kit.



Water is a crucial aspect that requires consistent consumption at regular intervals to prevent dehydration. Prior to drinking, water should be properly treated as waterborne infections can be life-threatening in survival situations. One way to treat water is by using chlorine and iodine water purification tablets from your emergency kit, or by filtering it with a clean cloth and boiling it. Boiling water is the most effective method of purification as it eliminates all three types of microbes – bacteria, viruses, and protozoa – which are typically responsible for causing diseases. If you are at an altitude above 2000 meters, water should be boiled for a minimum of 3 minutes, while lower altitudes require only 1 minute of boiling.



In the wilderness, there are numerous plants, fruits, and roots that are safe to eat. Before embarking on an adventure, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with these edible options specific to the area. If feasible, consider hunting for food using traps or other methods. In case of emergency, you can fashion a makeshift fishing hook using safety pins from your emergency kit. During the initial days of survival, it is advisable to rely on the emergency food reserve you have brought with you until help arrives or you find an alternative food source. Regardless of the method you choose to find food, it is important to eat wisely and ensure that the food does not cause any illness.


Please note that the conditions for survival are highly challenging, both mentally and physically. It is the strength of the mind that allows one to persevere even when the body is exhausted. Maintaining a positive outlook and envisioning the joyous moments that await after overcoming this situation can provide the motivation to keep going. Once you have ensured your safety and well-being, begin seeking assistance. Before long, you will find yourself in a secure environment and back among society.
