Trekking Post Covid 19 – All You Need to Know

There are lots of confusions and questions around trekking like, when will the trekking start? What all will be the precautions to be taken? Will it get more expensive? Will it be safe to trek? Which company to trust? Things to keep in mind before booking with a company?.. and many more like this. It is a fact that trekking in India is one of the most popular adventure activities which means many people’s earnings are also dependent on this popular outdoor activity/trip.

Given the current circumstances surrounding COVID-19, no one, including myself, can provide definitive and guaranteed answers. However, in an effort to assist everyone, I have attempted to tackle some of these uncertainties based on my personal experience and insights gained from analyzing and consulting with industry experts.

What time will the hiking begin?


Trekking operations can commence once the Government approves tourism activities, regardless of the lockdown status or resumption of aircraft and train services in different states. The initiation of trekking also relies on the issuance of advisories by the governments of Himalayan states such as Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Kashmir, Ladakh, North Eastern States, as well as Western Ghats States like Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra. These states are home to popular trekking trails like Chadar trek, Sar Pass trek, Hampta Pass trek, Kedarkantha trek, Sandakphu trek, etc. Prior consent from the respective state governments is crucial before commencing trekking. The state that first decides to welcome trekkers and establishes standard operating procedures (SOPs) and policies will initiate trekking activities, attracting people to visit.

Who will embark on the journey initially?

Ideally, the individuals who can reach the starting point of the trek by driving their own or private vehicle from their residence would be the safest and given priority. Next in line would be those who travel by air and then drive to the trek starting point in a private vehicle. As the situation improves and concerns about COVID-19 contamination decrease, more people will gradually begin trekking on various slopes.

What safety measures should trekkers take?

The trekkers must follow all the necessary precautions recommended by the government and provided by the trek operator without exception. Additionally, there are a few important and general precautions that are suggested.

  • Please use your own or a private vehicle to travel to the starting point of the trek, instead of using public transportation or a shared vehicle.
  • Please bring your own camping equipment such as a tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, sleeping liner, water bottle, etc., as well as utensils including a plate, spoon, mug, and fork.
  • Please register for exclusive hikes or hikes with limited group sizes of 10 to 12 individuals.
  • The company’s top priority should be ensuring the safety of treks and adhering to standard operating procedures, rather than focusing solely on pricing, which could compromise safety.
  • Trekkers should prioritize quality over price alone.

What precautions will the companies take as their main steps?

The trekking companies are required to adhere to the general guidelines provided by the respective governments and the specific guidelines related to trekking operations recommended by organizations such as ATOAI (Adventure Tour Operators Association of India). The main guidelines are expected to include, but are not restricted to, the following:

  • The company needs to complete all transactions and paperwork online in order to reduce face-to-face interactions.
  • The company must be able to provide clean private vehicles for transportation between the starting and ending points of the trek.
  • The company should be open to organizing treks for private groups consisting of families or close friends, instead of accommodating groups of strangers.
  • The treks must have small group sizes, ideally not more than 10 to 12 participants in each group.
  • The company is required to monitor and document the temperature of each trekker and staff member on a daily basis using thermometers that do not require physical contact. The collected data should be readily available to all team members.
  • The oxygen level of every trekker and the staff must be checked and recorded daily.
  • If any member of the team is discovered to have an unusual temperature or oxygen levels, it is necessary to have both an evacuation plan and a quarantine strategy in place.
  • The company needs to request that the trekkers bring their own tent, sleeping mat, sleeping bag, and utensils. It may not be feasible to sanitize these items every day or after each use in the wilderness, but it is necessary if they are used by different individuals on different days. By having their own gear and using it exclusively, the risk of contamination is minimized.
  • The company is required to offer sufficient assistance and guidance to the trekkers regarding necessary safety measures and the standard operating procedures (SOPs).
  • The company is required to offer sufficient assistance in the process of choosing and buying equipment.
  • The company must offer appropriate methods to clean the utensils after each use.
  • The kitchen tent and dining area must be well sanitized before and after every use.

Must Read: Positive Evolution in Indian Adventure Travel Post COVID 19

Will the cost of the trek increase?


The answer to this is quite simple and straightforward: “Yes.” If the trek needs to prioritize safety, sanitation, and environmental sustainability, while also providing a fun and enriching adventure experience, the price will inevitably increase. The real question to consider is whether it is truly worth venturing outdoors if it compromises the safety of both the service providers and yourself. Additionally, what about the sustainability of nature? Who will be responsible for removing the extra trash that is brought into these pristine environments in order to keep everyone safe? When the number of people in a group decreases for safety and sustainability reasons, the overhead costs, such as support staff and transportation, do not decrease. Therefore, it is clear that when the cost is divided among a smaller number of individuals, individual costs will be slightly higher.

It is important to consider that the guides and trekking staff throughout the country have been unemployed since the lockdown. Their only source of income is from people going on treks. After a long period of not having work, the return of trekkers to the slopes is their only hope. In this situation, it may not be the correct approach to diminish their livelihood for the benefit of the trekkers. When trekkers start searching for deals and cheaper options, it initiates a price war that ultimately results in reducing the payment for the trekking staff or compromising safety by hiring less experienced or qualified staff.

Which business should be relied upon?

has a proven track record of success and a strong reputation in the industry. Look for a company that has a history of delivering high-quality results and has satisfied customers. Additionally, consider the level of experience and expertise the company or operator has in the specific field you are dealing with. It is also important to evaluate the company’s financial stability and resources to ensure they can handle the project effectively. Trust your instincts and choose the company or operator that you feel most confident in.

  • Can show you a track record of safe and value added trek operations through previous customer feedback or reviews in reputed domains like TripAdvisor or Google.
  • Voluntarily share the SOP’s and safety precautions followed by them to ensure safe and sustainable trek operations
  • Ensure a small group sized and private trek departures
  • Has the expertise, knowledge and advised you to opt for less popular and beautiful trails over the crowded famous trails
  • Provides or advises you to opt for adventure insurance as a default option or mandatory for the trek
  • Proactively provides you all the latest government or governing body advisories and ensure it to be followed
  • Not offering illogical discounts and deals which could boil down in compromising the safety.



Trekking is expected to become increasingly popular once the situation improves. Both trekking companies and trekkers have a significant responsibility in ensuring its sustainability. It is crucial that we recognize the importance of preserving nature for future generations. Sustainable trekking operations are necessary, meaning that they should provide valuable and enriching experiences for trekkers without causing harm to the ecosystem, local culture, or people.

The problem of waste may become a concern in trekking operations after COVID-19 due to the increased use of disposable masks, hand sanitizers, gloves, and other personal protective equipment. Both trekkers and companies must take on the added responsibility of bringing back these materials that do not break down naturally and disposing of them properly. It would also be beneficial if reusable personal protective equipment is utilized instead of disposable and non-biodegradable options.

COVID- 19, may give humans one more chance to make things right towards nature, so let us utilize this opportunity in the right way to re-live and re-nurture this world into a better one for our future generations.