5 secret societies that govern the world

Society loves mysteries. Secret plots, conspiracies, intrigues – all of this arouses great interest in us. Where is the truth, where is the lie – who knows? But they exist, secret societies, weaving networks almost right under the noses of ordinary citizens. Thebiggest.ru will tell you about them in today’s top: the 5 scariest and most secret orders that are attributed to world domination.

1. Freemasons

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Also known as free masons, they have been around for three centuries. During this time, they have come a long way from small communities in London to a truly global organization that everyone knows about. What is the secret? Freemasons claim that they are only interested in moral education, charity, and helping others.

However, most people have a negative view of them. They are accused of worshiping Satan, engaging in strange rituals, controlling the entire global financial system, and much more. The Freemasons either do not respond to these accusations or try to explain them as the machinations of enemies. Perhaps legends of consuming infants and human trafficking are just myths, but there are many influential members of the order, from businessmen to American presidents.

This is alarming. When serious people gather, they play serious games. However, the secret society is truly secret – no one has yet managed to catch a Freemason red-handed. Thousands of books and articles have been written about them, but the order remains a mystery that has not yet been solved.

2. Illuminati

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They are often confused or mixed up with Freemasons. This is fundamentally incorrect because the Illuminati emerged as an alternative movement to Freemasonry. These guys were always interested in politics and religion, which were not discussed at Masonic meetings. The order itself was founded in the late 18th century in Germany, lasted for 20 years, and was completely destroyed.

So it is not entirely clear who calls themselves Illuminati nowadays. However, the main postulates and principles of this order are known, just like their motto “New World Order.” This organization is more secretive than the Freemasons, but they can be found on the expanses of the internet. Such resources should be feared because they are often used by scammers.

Persistent rumors suggest that many representatives of show business and cinema are followers of the Illuminati. They themselves provide a certain basis for this with their creativity and image, which hint at belonging to some dark forces. However, the Illuminati are just as great at keeping secrets as the Freemasons.

3. Rosicrucians

A centuries-old secret society is hanging out in Facebook groups | Mashable

Originating from the late Middle Ages when secret societies were just gaining strength. Even more closed organization than the ones described above. They dealt with the darkest and forbidden topics such as alchemy, magic, and witchcraft, so they kept very quiet because in ancient times the Inquisition was not asleep. Their heyday came in the 18th century when many prominent gentlemen were members of the club.

There is little information about those times since no written documents have been preserved. In the modern world, Rosicrucians are an entirely esoteric society that places spiritual perfection and growth above all else. At least that’s what they claim. But there is information about satanic rituals and orgies when every new member must renounce God, go through an initiation ceremony involving group sex, and pledge allegiance to evil.

It sounds like a scary fairy tale, but old manuscripts mention members of the Rose and Cross as the most loyal servants of Satan. The media hardly ever mention them, but their centers exist in all major cities in Russia. They claim that their goal is to seek truth and establish universal welfare. Like in ancient times, there is little information about them, but the order thrives and is actively engaged in its activities.

4. Royal Club

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Just a hundred years ago, royal dynasties ruled the world. They have not disappeared and still exist today. Princes of blood also weave intrigues and thirst for power – this is where the Royal Club comes in. Only members of reigning houses and their relatives are part of it. Since one can only be born a prince, it is impossible for an ordinary mortal to enter the club.

The royal lines of Europe are related, so all members are related to each other. This simplifies the construction of joint plans since many interests coincide. According to rumors, they pull the strings of their governments, while the most important decisions are made in royal chambers. In addition, they are fabulously wealthy, and the secrecy of their families allows them to keep their secrets and plans from the whole world.

The “untouchability” of members of royal families is also cause for concern. These people are above the law and can make decisions without considering the common values of human morality. There is very little information about this community, but its power is undeniable.

5. Club “Hellfire”

Who were the Hellfire Club? | The Hellfire Club Archaeological Project

The main concentration of the “black” aristocracy. It includes all the noble families of Europe and America, all those who were once part of the “white bone.” They remain so to this day. They have enormous resources, connections, key corporations that control the world’s financial system. Within the club, there is a blood-related cult.

Almost all aristocracy has intermarried over the past 300 years, making them close or distant relatives to each other. Therefore, members of the community know each other well, and an outsider has no place here. The activities of such aristocracy are almost unnoticed because they are not interested in public life. At the same time, they make important decisions – who to sponsor, who to put up for election, and who to give a “wolf ticket.”

In Europe, it is impossible to play any significant role without the approval of this community. At the same time, the society maintains deep secrecy, and there is little information about its activities. Members of this club often also belong to Masonic organizations, so one person can be “initiated” in a double sense. There is little information, but they exist and act.

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